WB ROPA 2019 Pay Level 10C 2nd Revision
West Bengal Finance Department has issued a memorandum today on 11th July 2022 on the contents of Pay Level 10C under the Pay Matrix Table of ROPA 2019. The government has decided to replace the existing content of WB ROPA 2019 Pay Level 10C once again. An employee would get his pay fixed at a lower amount in WB ROPA 2019 Pay Level 10C than in Level 10 after promotion from Level 9. The post in Pay Level10C is higher than the post in Level10.
Modification has been made in pay level 10C under West Bengal ROPA 2019 to eliminate discrepancies between Pay Level 10C and Level 10. Now the initial (starting) pay of the level 10C becomes 42,300 as compared to 40800.
The previous changes made in this level as per order number 2426-F(P1) dated 13.06.2022 has brought certain difficulties while refixing the pay of some employees on promotion. Now the latest modification made in WB ROPA 2019 Pay Level 10C in order number 2830-F(P1) dated 11.07.2022 is believed to overcome such difficulties.
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No. 2830-F(P1). Dated, 11.07.2022
It has come to the notice that after coming into force of W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019, an employee on promotion from a post in Level-09 to a post in Level-10C is getting his pay fixed at lower amount than the pay being fixed for an employee having same basic pay in the post in Level-09 on his promotion to the post in Level-10 inspite of the fact that the post in Level-10C is higher than the post in Level-10. The matter is under consideration of the government for sometime past so that the former does not get his pay fixed at a lower amount than the latter.
It has been brought to the notice of this Department that certain difficulties are being faced while refixing the pay of some employees on promotion from corresponding pre-revised pay structure PB 3 with Grade Pay Rs. 3,600/- to PB 3(minimum pay Rs. 11,720/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 4,220/- in the Pay Level l0C under the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019.
2. After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to replace the existing contents of Level-10C as contained in Schedule II to the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019 by the following:
Level | 10C |
1 | 42,300 |
2 | 43,600 |
3 | 44,900 |
4 | 46,200 |
5 | 47,600 |
6 | 49,000 |
7 | 50,500 |
8 | 52,000 |
9 | 53,600 |
10 | 55,200 |
11 | 56,900 |
12 | 58,600 |
13 | 60,400 |
14 | 62,200 |
15 | 64,100 |
16 | 66,000 |
17 | 68,000 |
18 | 70,000 |
19 | 72,100 |
20 | 74,300 |
21 | 76,500 |
22 | 78,800 |
23 | 81,200 |
24 | 83,600 |
25 | 86,100 |
26 | 88,700 |
27 | 91,400 |
28 | 94,100 |
29 | 96,900 |
30 | 99,800 |
31 | 1,02,800 |
32 | 1,05,900 |
33 | 1,09,100 |
3. The employees who were in the corresponding pre-revised pay structure [Pay Band 3, Rs. 7,100/- 37,600/- (minimum pay Rs. 11,720/-)with Grade Pay Rs. 4,220/-] or those who got promotion to a post in the above pay structure during 01.01.2016 to 25.09.2019 may exercise fresh option within 90 days from the date of issue of this Memo. subject to the provision of rule 5 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019.
4. The pay of all employees who were in the above pay structure on 01.01.2016 and those who got promotion to a post in the above pay structure or in Level 1 0C under the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 after 01.01.2016 shall have to be refixed in the Level l0C modified hereby.
5. If the pay of an employee on refixation in the Level l0C modified hereby, happens to be less than the pay initially fixed in the earlier Level 1 0C as contained in the Schedule II to WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 notified vide No. 5562-F dated 25.09.2019, in terms of rule 7 of the said rules, then the pay of the employee shall be stepped up to the Cell in the Modified Level l0C next above the pay initially fixed in the earlier Level 1 0C.
6. This will take effect notionally from 01.01.2016 with actual effect from 01.01.2020.
7. Necessary amendments in the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 will be made in due course.
8. This cancels this Department Memo. No. 2426-F(Pl), dated 13.06.2022.
Sd/- M. Pant
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal