Treasury Rule Form Number 7
1. Name of the Bank & Branch:
2. (a). Name of the Treasury:
(b). Treasury Code:
3. Account Code:
(14- Digits must be filled up properly)
4. Detail Head of Account:
5. (a) Amount : Rs.
(b) In Words: Rupees:
6. By whom tendered – Name & Address:
7. Name / Designation & Address of the Departmental Officer on whose behalf / favour money is paid:
8. (a) Particulars & Authority of Deposit:
* (b) T.V. No. & Date of A.C. Bill:
9. Accounts Officer by whom adjustable: Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.
Signature of Departmental / Treasury Officer
Depositor’s Signature
Date: Treasury Receipted Challan No.
Received payment. Bank Scroll Serial No.
Receipt by Bank / Treasury Signature with seal of the Bank.
* In respect of Challan relating to refund of unspent amount of A.C. Bill
–– 2 ––
Particulars of Amount Deposited :
Cash : Cheques:
Notes Amount Drawee Bank Cheque No. Amount
x 1000=
x 500=
x 100=
x 50=
x 20=
x 10=
x 5=
Coins =
Total Total
Treasury Officer is permissible (e.g. fees payable to the Public Service Commission on
account of recruitment, etc.), the Head of Account may be written by the Depositors. The
Treasury Officer or Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office may check
the Head of Account and make correction, where necessary, when the Challan is received
with the Bank’s scroll.